Marvist Values

Our Values represent the principles we stand for and our standards of behavior. These values are also our judgment of what is important.

The Marvist values, we hold dearly and insist in all employees are:

  1. Success is not possible without service to others.
  2. Hard work, self-discipline, self-monitoring, self-control is key to success.
  3. Respect and empathize with the  business needs of Small & Medium Businesses. Proudly serve the SMB segment with innovative solutions.
  4. Respect and be supportive maintaining a supportive as well as performance driven culture at work place.
  5. Being a person of good character is the key ingredient for professional success and interpersonal effectiveness.
  6. Don’t just work for a salary, work is an important aspect of a good life.
  7. Respect knowledge and competence. Have enthusiasm and energy for detailed, in-depth, accurate analysis to do correct problem solving.
  8. Earn goodwill with clients and colleagues with your expertise and commitment to work
  9. Deliver value addition with your work – Work with an intention of making a positive impact on clients’ projects.
  10. Be career oriented – establish credibility with a track record of performance and build your abilities to take higher responsibilities in the future.
  11. Emotional intelligence and sensible nature are as essential skills as technical skills.
  12. Specialize and develop expertise in a certain area and work with other experts as a team to deliver a superior solution to the client.
  13. Support Innovation in service offering to clients.
  14. Develop a long-term perspective – focus on sustainable alternatives!