Production vs Development Environment

Not many people, including most freshers and junior IT professionals, are aware of the differences between production and development environment. Working in these environments requires a different attitude and outlook. Below, we have tried to provide the difference in easy to understand manner.

  1. Development environment is where the creation or coding of the software takes place. Production environment is where after all of the development and testing, the final version of software is made available to the users or customers in real world environment
  2. In development environment no e-commerce or live data is used. In production environment, the live data and e-commerce transactions take place
  3. Development environment is private and only available to the development team. Production environment is the public version and accessible by everyone.
  4. Development environment is very flexible, focus is on development of new features. Production environment is maintained with strict standards with security, regular backups and tight protocols.
  5. Development environment is about creating new features and capabilities. Which are released to the client after proper testing. In production environment, no unauthorized change can be made and every action should be recorded. Depending on severity, some actions should trigger an alert. Developers are not given access to production environment.

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