Why Internships Are Smart Choice For Most Freshers?

The college and university syllabus prepare a student for passing the exams. Just passing the university and obtaining a degree does not automatically make a person fit for first job or become employable. Handling the first job requires many more things.  There are very few institutes that are preparing the students while they are pursuing their degree to prepare for handling their first job.

Coping with the challenges and needs of the job needs preparation. This preparation for job is in terms of self-assessment, knowledge of industry / domain, several job specific skills, knowledge and building the right attitudes.

The college is like a bird’s nest, with college as the adult birds and students as the young birds. Real life is about learning to fly and find your own food and protect yourself from eagles and cats. While being sheltered in college the student is away from reality.

Ordinary colleges make no attempt to prepare the student to become independent. They focus on the exams and syllabus, almost like just feeding the birds. Then after final exams they are told to vacate the nest. They are like the birds who are unable to fly or get food on their own. The college abandons them to focus on junior batch students.

They find themselves unprepared for life and have great difficulty finding job.  The employer is not interested in students who are unprepared for taking the responsibilities of the job.

Premier Institute Students Prepare Hard During College And Get Good Campus Placements
Many students from premier institutes get well-settled immediately after their job. Many don’t realize the preparation that was reason for the good campus placement.  Self-development programs and culture of the good institutes, friendship with good friends made the process easier and they did not have to do a lot of individual struggle. But, such students have struggled in their Inter to get into a good institute and had good percentages during their college to meet the cut-offs of the premier employers during campus interviews. They also had to clear the HR interview unlike others from the same college. All this was due to the struggle of those students during their 10+2 and college years that have helped them get high paying first job.

No Success Without Preparation
Even those going abroad for further studies or go to IIMs prepare and clear GRE, GMAT, TOEFL much before they complete their college.  They do well with college exams, while also doing this preparation simultaneously.  The simple message from this is that there is no success without preparation.

Trouble Finding First Job For Students From Ordinary Institutes – Lack Of Preparation During College
Today, the situation is that the regular college graduate has not prepared to be ready for the job. No doubt the companies do not expect fresh graduates to work like an experienced person. But they expect the freshers to be ready to face the real life under the guidance of their employer.

Problem With Training Institute – False Hopes, Investment And Delays Getting Job
It has become a standard process for regular college students to enroll in a training institute immediately after college. They expect the training to ready them and develop the skills required for finding a job.

While the training institutes offer some benefits, they don’t counsel and guide the students properly.  The more the students in the batch, the more profits they make. So they will take all kinds of students. Most training institutes will enroll the student even if they are not suitable for the course i.e. not having the talent to succeed in that area.  The institute will take the fees from the student and join them in the course.

The training institute teaches many things, because the student may find some job in one company or other.   This causes more time waste and also unnecessary work load. This also means the wider coverage will reduce the depth of the knowledge.

Internship Openings With Companies Are A Better Choice For Freshers
Internships offer an opportunity for the student to get a real life exposure to the job.  This is much better than any training institute.  Even the best training institute may not have correct picture of the needs of the job.

The goal of the company is to deploy the intern on a billable project. So they teach and train in a way that the person can become employable with minimal wastage of time during training. They will also train from a practical point of view, unlike the training institute.

Internship offers several advantages to freshers:

  1. Get to know the specifics of the job correctly in practical and real way
  2. Much less real life work pressure during initial days, since the company is not worried about productivity as the compensation is not paid or its minimal.
  3. One can learn at the pace that person is comfortable.
  4. Without job, payment is not there so desire to do well and clear internship successfully is there.

Also, in the company you will have seniors working.  You will be able to see how they work and mold yourself properly.  You can learn by observation and see that many things that are conceptual being done with great skill and speed by the seniors.

For all the reasons above Internships in companies is a better choice to build your career and get the best possible job.  However, don’t have wrong expectations that it is very easy to find an internship.  You have to spend some time and effort in finding the internship. You have to make your available to attend the various internship interviews. Basically, it is better choice but not effortless.

Why Internships Are Smart Choice For Most Freshers?